St Raphael Catholic Church Lehigh Acres Florida
St Raphael Catholic Church Lehigh Acres Florida
The Altar & Rosary Society was formed to serve as a constructive medium through which Catholic women of the parish may express their opinions and when deemed necessary, take action on matters for the promotion and development of the spiritual, intellectual and social life of the members. The monthly meetings are held on the first Fridays of each month after the 8AM Mass from September through May.
Cristo Rey is a Spanish charismatic prayer group. Cristo Rey meets every Thursday evening from 6-9PM in the parish hall. All are invited.
Meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30PM in the parish school building. Please call Miguel at 239-369-3581 for more information.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are involved in bringing Holy Communion to the parishioners that are homebound, hospitalized, in nursing homes and Hope Hospice on a weekly basis. To schedule a visit or to help with this ministry please call the parish office at 239-369-1831. Bringing the Eucharist to the ill and homebound is a very special ministry!
The Haitian Prayer Group meets in the parish school building on Friday evenings from 6-8 PM. For more information please call 239-369-2795.
Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Church. Being a Knight is being involved with your community; supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life. The Council meets every first Thursday of each month at 7PM at the education building. For more information contact the Church Office.
Ladies of Auxiliaries Knight of Columbus # 6265
Catholic women 18 years of age and older committed to make their community a better place as they support their church and work close with the councils meet every first Thursday of each month at 7:30PM at the Church Hall. Every catholic women is encourage to join. For more information please call the church office.
La comunidad española de San Rafael Caballeros de Colón es un nuevo consejo y se reunirá cada segundo jueves de cada mes a las 7:30 p.m. en el edificio de educación de la Iglesia. Se anima a todos los hombres católicos mayores de 18 años a unirse al consejo para ayudar a apoyar a la Iglesia. Para obtener más información, llame a la oficina de la Iglesia.
Saint Raphael Spanish community Knights of Columbus is a new council and will meet every second Thursday of each month at 7:30Pm at the Church education building. All catholic men 18 years of age and older are encourage to join the council to help support the Church. For more information please call the Church office.
The Legion of Mary meets every Tuesday at 2 PM in the parish school building. Legion members are involved in Home Communions, hospital and nursing home visitations, Hope Hospice, praying the rosary while attending funeral and funeral Masses. For more information call Pat Prokipchak at 239-693-7971
Spanish Bible Study meets in the parish school building on Wednesday evenings from 7-9PM
The Prayer Warriors are parishioners who pray for the needs of all prayer requests called in on the prayer line or sent in by e-mail. The phone number for the prayer request is 239-369-3111.
The Chapel is open 6:00 AM - 4:30 PM every day.
Anyone interested in working to support and defend the Gospel of Life is invited to come to a meeting of the Respect Life Committee. Please contact Deb Jones at 239-303-0797 for more information.
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